


In re-watching this recently I feel the exact same as when I left the theater. Hack, quack, SHAM. Oh, M. Night you sorry excuse for a creator. I watched this movie because I’m anal retentive and a “completionist”. For context I had no intention of ever submersing myself in this universe. I saw Split under duress, went back and watched Unbreakable, and mercifully (?) ending with Glass.  Poor choice of words, painfully ending with Glass. I don’t think M. Night SHAMylan is that good. He thinks he’s smarter than he actually is and wants so badly to be Alfred Hitchcock and insert himself in his films. Sixth Sense is without doubt one of the most overrated movies of all time and if you had any sense you would know what the alleged twist in the film is within the first 15 to25 minutes.

I digress, back to Glass. The fact that I had to see his face in the first 25 minutes agitated me to no end and it caused me to formulate a hypothesis of what this film would be and the last 25 minutes or so confirmed it.  I honestly do not know what’s worse; his pretentious delivery of explaining his film or the stroking of his ego for the last 20 minutes of this movie.  It is really unfortunate because I can concede that he actually built interesting main characters in Glass, Dunn, and Crumb but Shamylan’s seemingly unquenchable thirst to tell the audience how great he is causes him to defecate all over his own creation(s).  The sadder fact of the matter is this in my opinion was this was the best out this trilogy despite the fact that M. Night clearly thinks of himself as Mr. Glass; smart, cunning, misunderstood…..Etcetera.  Deep down I’m basing that on the potential this movie had with these three characters having their worlds collide.  The redeeming part of this movie was James McAvoy. He truly outdid himself.  With that said the only real villain is this charlatan of a film maker. Now that he’s done patting himself on the back maybe, just maybe he can go away for a longer period of time.

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