
A Different Kind of Endgame

Cersei-Lannister-the end

Game of Thrones final season is this Sunday and April is truly the month of the end game. In talking with a group of people about the concept of learned helplessness (psychology stuff) using Theon Greyjoy as an example I somewhat went off the rails and said how Cersei Lannister will win the game of thrones and it begins Sunday (disclaimer: I am a Lena Headey fan so it is possible there may be some bias ahead).

What’s that you say? Cersei is evil? Cersei is merciless and conniving? Cersei is shifty and plays shadow games? Well I ask you what character on this show doesn’t? It’s called the game of thrones! If I can be a behaviorist for a moment Cersei is truly a product of her environment and when you really sit back and look at it so is Daenerys blah blah, first of her blah blah, mother of blah blah. Tyrion is the same and so is that mouth breather Jon Snow, but I digress. I know it’s not a popular opinion to cheer for Cersei but dammit if there is one thing you can say about her is you know what you are getting. She has never once lied during this show. You knew who she was and what she was about from day one. Does she have an ego problem? Sure. Hey who doesn’t to some degree? All she wanted was the best for her family and now that is gone. All this has done is make her even more cunning than before and that is why she will win the day, overcome the winter and sit atop the throne. I have heard all the main theories about who will kill Cersei but I will tell you this that walk of shame only helped her. While others like Jon who even in coming back from death still knows nothing and Daenerys and Tyrion maintain their hubris Cersei has evolved again whether you want to accept it or not.  All Cersei has left is this throne.  You know what else? You can’t kill something that’s already dead and she’s been dead inside for a long time. Winter is coming? No, no, and no. Cersei is coming. Also, Daenerys is a terrible mother.